An open letter to the community

President Kent Fuchs
August 18, 2020

Dear community members,

As we welcome students back for the fall semester, the University of Florida, Santa Fe College, Alachua County and the City of Gainesville are partnering to keep everyone in our community as safe as possible.

Personal responsibility is key to this outcome. With that in mind, we are joining to promote facial coverings, physical distancing, staying home when sick, frequent handwashing and other proven COVID-19 prevention measures.

Further, UF Student Government is partnering with Santa Fe College Student Government, the City of Gainesville and Alachua County to encourage students to take a pledge to promote healthy behaviors.

For instances when personal responsibility falls short, we are collaborating on enforcement measures.

Alachua County and the City of Gainesville have approved citations and fines for people who don’t comply with facial covering provisions. Law enforcement may disperse gatherings that do not meet physical distancing or masking requirements. At both UF and Santa Fe College, students and employees who flout Covid-19 rules may face sanctions under student conduct codes or employee policies. 

As we have in the past, including on video and social media as well as in The Gainesville Sun, we will continue to communicate with one voice about how we can all work together for our collective health and safety.

For more information about COVID-19 guidelines, rules and enforcement, please visit UF Health Screen, Test & ProtectUF’s Our Plan Forward webpage and City of Gainesville Covid-19 Updates

Fall is always a tremendously exciting time in our community. We ask you to join us as we together embrace shared responsibility for one another, reducing the spread of COVID-19 and paving the way for a productive and rewarding year.


University of Florida President Kent Fuchs

Santa Fe College President Paul Broadie II

Alachua County Commission Chair Robert Hutchinson

City of Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe