As we all prepare for the upcoming National Policy Institute event on Oct. 19, the University of Florida’s highest priority is for you to be safe in all respects. Please keep in mind
President Fuchs’ request that everyone stay away from the event. Law enforcement agencies also have recommended that faculty, staff and students avoid the event and the area around the Phillips Center on Oct. 19.
As has been communicated previously, we are operating campus with modifications consistent with current circumstances; in general, campus will be open and classes are in session. Some tests or labs have been adjusted, and all students affected have been notified.
Gator 1 ID
We encourage you to keep your Gator 1 ID with you this week, as many facilities on campus will require it for entry. For more information on buildings with limited access and hours, please see the “Facilities” section of the
Free Speech and Controversial Speakers website.
Safety and Security
In addition to normal policing and security measures on campus, there will be an increased presence of law enforcement on our campus to heighten security. You should begin seeing more officers starting today.
In cases of emergency, the university will use the
UF Alert system. To ensure you are receiving news and updates, now is a good time to verify your emergency contact information in the myUFL system. To do so, login to
myUFL ( and navigate to Main Menu > My Account > Update Emergency Contact. Scroll to the bottom of the page to select the correct UF Alert Preference.
As always, if you see something, say something. If you see anything of concern, please call 392-1111 to report it. If you feel you are in immediate danger, please call 911. If you are concerned about walking on campus (to and from the parking lot, for example), please contact UFPD at 392-1111 for an escort or to confirm police presence in the area.
Counselors will hold walk-in hours for students on Oct. 19 in Peabody Hall. If you need immediate counseling assistance, please call (352) 392-1575.
Counselors with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are available for faculty and staff. On Wednesday, Oct. 18, the EAP also will be offering a group session for faculty and staff to discuss their concerns. The session will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Student Health Care Center, with other group sessions being scheduled as needed.
If there is anything UF Human Resources may do to be of assistance to employees, please do not hesitate to contact (352) 392-2HRS or
The event has attracted local, state and national media attention. The number of reporters on campus covering this story is expected to grow today through Thursday. You may be approached by a reporter looking for a comment. Please know that the decision to be interviewed is yours and you are not obligated to speak with the news media.
While it is our sincere hope that faculty, staff and students will stay away from the event, below are some details that are important to remember:
- The October 19 event is not a UF-sponsored or -sanctioned event.
- Not only can participation at this upcoming event be extremely dangerous, all laws and rules of the university remain in place. No employee or student can interfere with the freedom of speech or freedom of movement of any member or guest of the university.
We know this is a difficult time for many on campus, but particularly those students, faculty and staff who feel threatened by the white supremacists of the National Policy Institute. NPI members do not share our values and we denounce their hateful rhetoric.
We hope this information will help you navigate campus over the next few days. Further details about safety, resources and support available to faculty and staff and answers to many other questions may be found at
Jodi Gentry
Vice President for Human Resources
David Parrott
Vice President, Student Affairs
Chief Linda Stump-Kurnick
Assistant Vice President of Public and Environmental Safety