Message to faculty

Senior VP and COO Charlie Lane
February 13, 2023

Dear Faculty,

The recent discovery of a suspicious package inside Turlington Hall served as a vivid reminder for the entire UF community about the importance of being observant.

Although the package turned out to be harmless research materials, the possibility that it could have been something that placed UF students, faculty and staff in danger was real enough for the UF Police Department to ask the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad to investigate.

That kind of vigilance is a critical piece of the overall campus safety picture, as safety is a shared responsibility. UFPD does an outstanding job of keeping our campus as safe and secure as possible, but like other law enforcement agencies, they also rely on all of us to let them know if we see anything that raises concern.

Examples of what might prompt a report include:

  • A package or bag that appears unattended for extended periods of time
  • A box or crate leaking fluid or emitting a suspicious or noxious odor
  • A person whose behavior seems out of place or who appears to be lurking
  • A person asking for too much information beyond mere curiosity about an event or facility
  • Anyone tampering with property
  • A person who appears oddly dressed for conditions, such as wearing warm and bulky clothing on a hot summer day
  • Anyone who is not a law enforcement officer carrying a weapon or a firearm

In short, I ask that all of us pay attention to our surroundings and trust our instincts. In an emergency, call 911. For non-emergencies, call UFPD at 352-392-1111 or use the Gator Safe app. Additionally, you may submit information through the Silent Witness link at

Thank you,

Charlie Lane

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer